Posted in Author Comments, Not Mock Newbery

The Sky Village by Monk Ashland and Nigel Ashland

The Sky Village - cover

Summary: In a future where wild beasts, humans, and mechanical beings battle for control, two children, on opposite sides of the earth, connect through a mysterious journal that comes alive to reveal a powerful primal force and a frightening destiny. Candlewick Press.

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I'm a librarian at the Eva Perry Regional Library.

11 thoughts on “The Sky Village by Monk Ashland and Nigel Ashland

  1. It had a well thought out plot and the characters were enjoyable. It also had an equal amount of action, suspense, and mystery.

  2. Sky Village was a well written book that had good character development.
    I thought the story was kind of a cliffhanger type of story because every chapter left you in the middle of suspense. It has a very fictional setting as you can tell from the title and it switches back from Rom to Mei who are the main characters in the story. The story does not end and you must read the next one that is not out yet. I would recommend this book for a nominee to vote.

  3. I’m excited to be part of this Mock Newbery Award process. I looked back through your awards for previous years and was impressed by your great taste and high standards.

    Groups like yours are a real inspiration for writers like me 🙂

    Chris (aka Monk Ashland)

  4. Yay! We now have 2 hardback copies of this book – thanks to the author! So – more of you can read this before next meeting! Thank you, Chris (aka Monk Ashland).

  5. I agree with Jay, I thought the book was well written with good character development, but what I like most about it was it’s originallity, there is absoulutley no other book I know of that is at all simalir to this book. Also the cliffhangers at the end of most chapters that kept people reading was a wonerful idea!

  6. THIS BOOK WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! This is definately my favorite book I’ve read this year. It had an amazing plot, great characters and awesome fantasy stuff. It was a complete story in itself… sorta, but it is obviously something that leaves the reader wanting to know more about Breaker and Dragonfly. So yeah… that wasn’t the best description but oh well! Hopefully y’all get what I’m trying to say.

  7. This was a good and entertaining book, and definately something that I enjoyed reading. However, because of the cliffhanger at the end of the book, I don’t think that it would win the award. I’m eagrly awaiting the next books in the series, though!

  8. During our First Top 3 Vote this year, the following comments were made about this book:
    “Well-formed writing style that impeccably blended two plot sequences… and it had demons fighting!”
    “I experienced sensations that at times made me feel like saying ‘Don’t do that or you will get hurt!‘”

  9. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t like this book and I hate to say it, but the demons, the two completely different characters, and the way the plots were blended were all just too strange for me. I got bored with it after awhile because it was so long. I thought it was good, but not good enough to win the Newbery award.

  10. I loved every page of it.
    I first picked it up at public library–just the title itself drew me in.
    It’s my favorite book at the moment and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.

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