Posted in Not Mock Newbery

The Otherworldlies by Jennifer Anne Kogler

Summary: Eccentric and unusual looking, twelve year-old Fern, secure in her family’s love and acceptance, has always been able to cope with the taunts and social ostracism of her schoolmates until a series of unnerving events reveal that she possesses supernatural powers that she barely understands and must learn to control if she is to escape being the pawn of two ancient enemies. 385 p., Eos.

Find it at WCPL


I'm a librarian at the Eva Perry Regional Library.

7 thoughts on “The Otherworldlies by Jennifer Anne Kogler

  1. I couldn’t put this one down! Yes, it’s vampires, but it is not bloody or overly scary or romantic. It’s suspenseful. The main characters are great, and the dialog is very good. There is a very complex and interesting vampire society. Although there was no major cliffhanger at the end letting you know this was the first of a series, I sure hope it is!

  2. This book was a lot of fun to read. I don’t think it is Newbery worthy, but I really enjoyed reading it. I’m hoping it will be part of a series (it certainly seems like it), and I would definitely read the next book eagerly. So, great, fun book, just not right for Newbery.

  3. During our First Top 3 Vote this year, the following comment was made about this book:
    “Very different vampire book… this would be my #1 pick so far this year.”

  4. Well I am just starting to read this book for which so far is pretty intresting.I will continue to read forward due to the excitment u guys show about this book in this website.Oh and I’m 13 too so YAY!!!!!!TEEN BOOKLUV!!!!!:D

  5. Wow. this book was great. Im 14 and it was one of the best books i’ve read so far. I’ve read somewhere that there is a second book coming but not for 1-2 years. I’m really excited for the second book to come out. I’d reccomend this book to just about anyone. Plus, there are vampires but it’s nothing like twilight. Much more mellow. I give this book a A+.

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