Posted in Author Comments, Not Mock Newbery

Hummingbird by Kimberly Greene Angle

Summary: In spite of a busy life on the family pumpkin and watermelon farm in Jubilee, Georgia, twelve-year-old March Anne Tanner feels that something is missing, and when Grenna, the grandmother who has helped raise her since her mother died when she was three, also passes on, March Anne finds that she must act on her feelings of loss. 243 p., Farrar, Straus, & Giroux.

Find it at WCPL


I'm a librarian at the Eva Perry Regional Library.

7 thoughts on “Hummingbird by Kimberly Greene Angle

  1. Wow! This is a super story. Great family, great friends, and really good ending. I love this book! We received a few more gift copies of the hardback, so I expect you ALL to read it and COMMENT here with your thoughts. Yes, this is homework. Sorry. But you’ll be glad you did.

  2. This is an interesting book that makes you keep reading to see what happens next. There’s plenty of charcter development and descriptions. The ending’s good too. Maybe not fully happy, but as happy as you can get after what happens.

  3. I thought this was a really nice, sweet book. The characters and plot were very interesting. I thought the way the hummingbird was featured in the story was very lovely and symbolic. (Funnily enough, hummingbirds were used in a slightly similar way in ‘The Underneath’.) I’m not sure if this is in my top six or not, but it is a very good book.

  4. This book was really cute, and i thought it was touching. The hummingbirds built in were so adorable! I think several girls my age would love to read this book and it was realistic enough so it doesn’t seem far-fetched.

  5. Hello Readers,

    What a wonderful Christmas gift to find out I’ve made it to the December short list of your Mock Newbery Awards! I’ve been following your comments all along, and I’m delighted that so many have found something good and meaningful in HUMMINGBIRD. Best to you all for your hard work reading and evaluating so many books.
    Happy New Year, Kimberly Greene Angle

  6. I loved this book and would say it’s in my top 6. The story is beautifully written and is very distinguished. It’s definitely not my top book, but close to it.

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